The Position and Match Marks window
Settings applied to the Position and Match Marks window are stored in your current Fabricator .
- To open Position and Match Marks
- " OK " " Cancel " " Reset "
- The Position and Match Marks window lets you define how CNC marks are positioned on member main material.
- These marks can then be used in the shop to guide the fastening of connection materials to the member. The selections made here also determine the dimension points on member details for system connection shear tabs, stiffeners, gusset plates, etc., even if you do not generate CNC marks on member details.
- A CNC mark is shown as an X on members in Modeling that are displayed in a solid form. To get CNC marks on member details, " Show marks on details " during Detail Members . CNC marks are always shown on the details of submaterials. The location of CNC marks also affects dimensioning on member details.
- For CNC with ' DSTV ', a good alternative to position marking is to set " Placement lines " to ' All submaterial ' and " Line style " to ' Corners ' and " Scribing block type " to ' BO '. This will get you CNC marks at the corners of all submaterial.
- When position marks are applied to materials using this window (prior to CNC), they will affect piecemarking. If they are applied when the CNC file is generated (as described in the previous bullet point), piecemarking is not affected.
Also see :
- CNC marks (materials are marked with based on this window)
- Create Solids (selections on this window are applied during)
- Add 3D Hole (alternative to automatic material marking)
- CNC Module (to download marks to a CNC machine)
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To open Position and Match Marks :
Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Position and Match Marks .
Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Fabricator Settings > Position and Match Marks (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.
Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.
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Enable position marking:
. Position marks are placed on the member that the material attaches to in the shop.
If this box is checked (
), position marking is enabled, and whatever selection is made to, for example, " perpendicular shear tabs ," will cause CNC marks to be generated during Create Solids .
If the box is not checked (
), position marking is disabled .
Enable match marking:
. Match marks come in pairs. One is placed on the material that shop attaches to the member, another is placed at a matching location on the member.
If this box is checked (
), match marking is enabled, and can be switched on or off for individual cases.
If the box is not checked (
), match marking is disabled .
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Perpendicular shear tabs: Center of plate or Left face or Right face or Framing face of plate . This applies to moment and non-moment single-plate shear connections. It also applies to a shear plate that connects a vertical brace gusset plate to a column. The left face is the surface of the shear plate that faces left on the supporting member's detail. The ' Framing face of plate ' is the face of a plate that attaches to the supported beam. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Left face
Right face
Framing face
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 the way down the near side of the plate and another mark on the supporting beam or column. The match mark on the member is red in this example. The match mark on the plate is shown here as green . The position marks (' Framing face ') are black . All marks are shown as black in the model.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " perpendicular shear tabs "
Beam web single stiffener plates: Center of plate or Left face or Right face . This applies when an auto base/cap plate or user base/cap plate has been set to " Use transverse beam stiffener " and the " Load " on the column is sufficiently low that only a single stiffener is generated. The left face is the surface of the plate that faces left on the member detail. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Left face
Right face
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 the way down the near side of the plate and another mark on the beam. The match mark on the beam is red in this example. The match mark on the plate is shown here as green . The position mark (' Center ' ) is black and placed at the corner of the clip. You cannot see the upper position mark in this view. All marks are shown as black in the model.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Beam web single stiffener plates "
Beam web double stiffener plates: Center of plate or Left face or Right face or Outside faces of plate or Inside faces of plate . This applies when an auto base/cap plate or user base/cap plate has been set to " Use transverse beam stiffener " and the " Load " on the column is sufficiently high that two stiffeners are generated. The left face is the surface of the plate that faces left on the member detail. The options ' Inside/outside faces of plate ' apply to two plates that are parallel to one another; the surfaces of those plates which face each other are the inside faces; the faces which look away from one another are outside faces. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Left face
Right face
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 the way down the near side of each plate and another mark on the beam. The match marks on the beam are red in this example. The match mark on each plate is shown here as green . The position mark (' Outside ') that you can see in this view is black and placed at the corner of the clip. All marks are shown as black in the model.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Beam web double stiffener plates "
Column to beam flange connection plates: Center of plate or Top face or Bottom face or Outside faces of plate or Inside faces of plate . This applies to bolted or welded moment flange plates and to stability plates for shear plate connections to a column web. The ' Top face ' refers to the top of the plate as it appears on the member detail. The options ' Inside/outside faces of plate ' apply to two plates that are parallel to one another; the surfaces of those plates which face each other are the inside faces; the faces which look away from one another are outside faces. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Top face
Bottom face
Add match marks puts a match mark on each moment flange plate and other match marks on the column. The match marks on the column are red in this example. Each match mark on a plate is shown here as green . The position marks (' Inside faces of plates ') are black and placed one inch from the edges of the plate. All marks are shown as black in the model.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Column to beam flange plates "
Column flange stiffener plates: Center of plate or Top face or Bottom face or Outside faces of plates or Inside faces of plates . This applies when the box for "
Design for stiffeners " is checked for a bolted or welded moment connection to a column flange. The ' Top face ' refers to the top of the plate as it appears on the member detail. The options ' Inside/outside faces of plates ' apply to two plates that are parallel to one another; the surfaces of those plates which face each other are the inside faces; the faces which look away from one another are outside faces. You can override the choice made here on a per-drawing basis by opening the drawing you want to change then applying the appropriate per-drawing setup override ( Settings > Drawing Settings > ... ), then saving your changes when you exit the drawing and then, the next time you detail members, selecting that member and detailing with templates .
Top face
Bottom face
Add match marks puts a match mark on each stiffener plate and match marks on the column. The match marks on the column are red in this example. The match marks on the plate are shown here as green . The position marks (' Outside faces of plates ') are black and placed at the corners of the plate. All marks are black in the model.
Per-drawing setup override for detailing with templates: " Column flange stiffener plates "
Brace gusset plates: Center of plate or Left face or Right face . The left face is the surface of the plate that faces left on the member detail.
Left face
Right face
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down the gusset plate and another mark on the supporting beam or column. The match mark on the member is red in this example. The match mark on the plate is shown here as green . The position marks (' Center of plate ') are black and placed at the top and bottom edges of the plate. All marks are black in the model.
Connection stiffener plates: Center of plate or Left face or Right face . The example shown below is the vertical stiffener for a plate seat . This also applies to stiffeners for angle seats and end plates . The left face is the surface of the plate that faces left on the detail for the member that the stiffener plate shop welds to.
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down the stiffener and another mark on the member it welds to in the shop. The match mark on the member is red in this example. The match mark on the stiffener is shown here as green . The position marks (' Center of plate ') are black and placed at the edges of the plate.
Clip angles: Corners . This applies to single and double clip angles . The placement of position marks on clip angles depends on whether the clip angles are set to be " Attached to " the ' Supported ' or ' Supporting ' in the shop.
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down (or up) the clip angle and another mark on the supported beam. The match mark on the beam is red in this example. The match mark on the clip angle cannot be seen in this view since it is on the face of the clip angle that frames to the beam. The position marks (' Corners ') are black and placed at the corners of the clip angle. All marks are black in the model.
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down (or up) the clip angle and another mark on the supporting member. The match marks on the column are red in this example. The match marks on the clip angles are not shown in this view since they are on the framing faces. These two clip angles share the same piecemark, and that is why their match marks do not align.
Connection seats: Center of plate or Top face or Bottom face . This applies to plate seats . The top face is the surface of the plate that faces up on the detail of the column that the seat shop welds to.
Add match marks puts a match mark on the seat plate and another mark on the member it welds to. The match mark on the member is red in this example. The match mark on the seat plate is shown here as green . The position marks (' Top face ') are black and placed one inch in from the edges of the plate.
Column web doubler plates: Top corners or Bottom corners or All corners . This applies when " Design for doublers " is set for a bolted or welded moment connection to a column flange.
Note: Column web doublers do not have match marks since they are not needed.
Shear tees: Corners . This applies to shear tees . The placement of position marks on a shear tee depends on whether the shear tee is set to be " Attached to " the ' Supported ' or the ' Supporting ' in the shop.
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down (or up) the shear tee and another mark on the supported beam. The match mark on the beam is red in this example. The match mark on the shear tee is shown as green . The position marks (' Corners ') are black and placed on the beam at the corners of the shear tee. All marks are black in the model.
Add match marks puts a match mark 1/3 of the way down (or up) the shear tee and another mark on the supporting beam or column. The match mark on the member is red in this example. The match mark on the tee cannot be seen in this view since it is on the tee's framing face. The position marks are black in this example. All marks are black in the model.
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To close Position and Match Marks :

"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Position and Match Marks window and saves the settings on it to the current Fabricator that is currently loaded in your current Job . To change to a different Fabricator , Home > press "fabname" > double-click the Fabricator you want.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the
button) closes this window without saving any changes that you may have made to it.
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
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